Friday, May 1, 2009

Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment -Is it Really Effective?

The medical science has achieved vast advancement with the invention of ultra rays called laser rays. It is really very great that the new invention has made surgical operations very simple and sophisticated. Until recent past, they have been using laser rays for surgery connected to eye diseases. The laser treatment has now set a record with advanced treatment extended for toenail fungus and other ailments in the body. Specifically, laser treatment for toenail fungus is really surprising.

Milestone in medical history: The practicing physicians and research doctors are of the opinion that it is easy to give laser treatment. And they are hopeful that the people suffering with toenail fungus can be treated by laser rays. It is a milestone in medical history that the patients can have more chance of sure cure for toenail fungus with laser treatment. It is really a great thing that the patients with toenail fungus can walk on road without socks, as others can, after a course of laser treatment. After planning and conducting medical camps and mass programs, the experts have given a strong opinion that the laser rays can pave a new way leading to effective treatment for any such chronic diseases.

Method of toenail treatment: It is really painful to hear the statistical figure of more than 20 million people suffering from toenail infections in United States alone. The medical department has been wound up by World Health Organization to save those innocents with effective laser rays. The method of laser treatment for toenail fungus is very simple which aims at wiping out the fungus infections in the toenail with laser rays. This method is highly safe because there is the micro adjustment in the laser flow channel so that the fungus affected toenail is accurately treated without harming the adjacent tissues and cells.

Home treatments: Researchers are committed in their work to arrive at a final solution in giving an effective laser treatment for toenail infection. There are many home remedies for toenail fungus and home made appliances. But it is doubtful if the home remedies are genuine and effective to cure toenail fungus because only a timely relief has been reported by the sufferers of toenail ailments. More than that, there is no definiteness for the result to be positive. The medications are sometimes costly and the expense may finally come up to $1,500 during a prolonged treatment.

New Technology in laser rays: Although there are pills and ointments to treat the fungus, many pharmaceuticals are emerging and are introducing lacquers in the market with new formulas for fungus treatment. But the patients suffering from fungus problems are losing faith in such medication, and are searching for treatment with laser technology. You have Noveon, the Advanced Surgical Technologies of Waltham, Massachusettes who have developed an elegant Laser Techno Machine that is used for dental, ophthalmic and hair removal laser treatments. It has been proven that 40% of the toenail sufferers have recovered from infections of toenail with laser treatment.

1 comment:

  1. some say it is effective.. but the only disadvantage is, its very expensive..

    here's another treatment, effective and affordable check it out:
    toenail treatment
