Thursday, May 7, 2009

Listerine Toenail Fungus Cure – Real Tips

Are you much worried of having toenail fungus that is not easily recovering? Are you tired of treating the infection? It is essential that you seek some ways and means to get rid of toenail fungus. It is the experience of many people that the best option is certainly Toenail Fungus Cure using Listerine. Some people argue in support of this way of treatment while others raise doubts on the curing chance. As such, it is the option of the individual to decide the treatment.

What causes toenail fungus?
You get infection in your toenail just underneath the nail and have some symptoms of thick or dirty nail. Usually, there is no pain to feel the ailment just when it emerges to damage the nail. It is mostly recognized by the outward look of the nail differently. This infection emerges mainly due to careless maintaining of the feet amidst environmental evils. The socks worn in drenched condition is the major factor for the infection in the toenail. Since fungal infections can be hard fighting, it may require a few months to get complete cure for toenail fungus.

About Listerine:

When your toenail gets infected, you must take drastic action. There is no exactly effective medication with oral drugs or ointments. Anyhow, taking oral drugs is preliminary. It is well known that Listerine is an effective mouthwash which was actually introduced to the market as an antiseptic. Its basic formula is the inclusion of a component called thymol which has specific anti-fungal properties as has been proved by experimental studies. Even though anti-fungal medicines are available over the counter prescription, you need the consultation of doctor. These treatments are successful only to some extent. In such situation, the final solution is the total removal of toenail fungus.

Tips for treatment with Listerine:

Application of Listerine is recommended as an antiseptic ointment for curing toenail fungus. Different people suggest different methods in treating toenail fungus using Listerine. But most of them recommend the soaking of toenail either in 100% pure Listerine or 50% vinegar mixed Listerine. After soaking the toenail in Listerine, you should be cautious enough not to stamp your foot on the wet floor. It is most important to keep the socks clean and dry for treating toenail fungus. If you cut off the affected part of the toenail with clippers, you can see fresh and healthy nail to grow. The goods news is that the Listerene treatment does prevent further developing of infection right now.

There is a little chance for predisposition of hereditary effect to acquire toenail fungus problem. If your dad or mum or both had this toenail infection, you too are likely to have it. Hitherto, there is no sufficient evidence for this claim. But be sure to keep your socks that are dry and washed well whenever you wear. It will also be good if you apply powder to your socks to keep them dry. If possible, wear free size shoes to let in free air circulation. All these will help you possess healthy and hygienic nails.

1 comment:

  1. great tips.. but hey listerine really works? if it does, im gonna try it..

    you can also try this treatment:
    toenail treatment
