Thursday, May 7, 2009

Listerine Toenail Fungus Cure - Tips Here

Although there are drugs and home remedies for toenail fungus, the latest method is the treatment with pharmaceutical products like Lamisil and Listerine. The toenail fungus cure with Listerine is one choice for your purpose. Some people may not support this treatment suspecting the uncertainty of the product in killing the bacterial skin infection. If you are able to know the basic reason for your nail infection, you can easily prevent the occurrence of the ailment in future.

What causes toenail fungus?
The fungal infection originates from inside just below the toenail and develops symptoms of nail fungus in a few days. The infection occurs due to an unhygienic protection to the foot. Consequently, the nail gets damaged which can be identified from its outward appearance with dark color (black or bluish). The damaging of toenail might be the result of wearing wet socks and the sweating of the foot in the shoe. With such drenched condition, the fungus develops fast.

Attack of toenail infection:
When you have the attack of toenail infection, drastic action should be taken just on identifying the symptom as toenail infection. You have to start anti-fungal medications by external application in the form of ointment. The medications can be had over the counter prescription at lower rates. If the medication does not work to your satisfaction, then the next option is the total removal of toenail fungus. Oral medications are also available, but they are not so effective and there is chance for side effects also.

What is Listerine therapy for toenail fungus?
It is known to all that Listerine is a popular mouthwash which was introduced first as an anesthetic for commercial sales. It contains menthol and an antiseptic agent known as thymol. Studies have proved thymol as a good anti-fungal agent for applying for toenail fungal infections. Thus Listerine for toenail fungus is basically formulated with the antiseptic and so it is recommended for curing toenail fungus with the consultation of the physician.

Tips for toenail cure:
We have varied recommendations from different people. All of them suggest soaking the toenail either in 100 percent pure Listerine or compounded Listerine with 50 percent vinegar. The toenail should be soaked for about 30 minutes every day. During such Listerine treatment for toenail fungus, Keeping the area dry and avoiding to walking on wet floor immediately can serve good results. The result may not be achieved over night but may take a few months with this consistent treatment. In the meantime, the anti-fungal thymol prevents the fungal growth. Now, you may cut off the infected portion of the nail using clippers and help healthy nails to grow fresh.

Also, if your parents had toenail infection, then you have a little hereditary chance for the onset of the nail infection for you. Whatever it may be, you have to be cautious to wear clean and dry socks to prevent nail infection,. You should allow free circulation in your shoes. You may use powder to your socks also to keep your nails soft and healthy.

1 comment:

  1. great blog.. listerine really works? no side effects?.. is it worth trying?

    try this: toenail treatment
