Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus

Many years passed; there are many people who are still using herbal medicines to cure their illnesses. Herbs are the natural remedies for some illnesses or diseases. Using these medicinal herbs is less expensive, effective and most of them are found just near our place that is why it is so easy to get some of them.

Oregano is one of the herbal plants that have many uses. The word Oregano comes from the Greek and it means “mountain Of Joy”. Many researches say that Oregano is used for curing diseases such as respiratory diseases and even stomach pain. Wild Oregano can cure diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice and fungal diseases.

Yes, you heard that right. Oregano can solve your problems with fungal diseases. It can be a good toenail fungus treatment. While many of you are suffering from toenail fungus, no one among you would think that Oregano can be the best way to get rid of your fungus problem.

Oregano oil is one the most effective toenail fungus remedies. It has high antioxidant which is why it is said to give many health benefits to the people. To cure toenail fungus, you should apply oregano oil at least twice a day. Keep applying until the fungus has been cured. There are many claims that too much oregano oil applied to the skin can cause harmful effects to the skin. So when using oregano oil, try to use it with proper amount. You can ask your doctor to know the certain amount you can apply to your skin when using oregano oil.

How does oregano oil cure toenail fungus?

Oregano oil acts as a fungicide. Its role is to prevent the fungi from creating flatoxins, killing the fungus and avoiding the bacteria to spread. The oil that you will get from oregano has antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties. With proper application and patience, oregano oil can cure toenail fungus effectively.

How to apply the oregano oil?

To cure toenail fungus, it is better if you would dilute first the oil before you will apply. Depending on the suggested amount of drops of your doctor (let’s say two or more drops), you should mix the oregano oil with at least one teaspoon of olive oil. It would have a mild effect on your skin while curing your toenail fungus effectively. In two or three week’s time, you will be able to cure toenail fungus by simply applying the oil onto your toenail. You can use cotton for applying.

Always remember that you have to keep doing this regularly to finally cure your toenail fungus. Aside from that, you must avoid wearing closed shoes like sneakers or even high-heeled shoes. Your feet will get moist if you will disregard this simple prevention. Your toenail fungus will get worsened if not properly treated. Even if you keep applying oregano oil, you should take some preventive care just like what mentioned above. Instead of using shoes, try using slippers for the mean time. If you want to use socks, always change them daily.

1 comment:

  1. Home remedies are like making a mess anywhere at the kitchen. I highly recommend you to check out Zetaclear.

    Toenail treatments
