Thursday, October 15, 2009

Urinary Tract Infection-Can Home Remedies be Helping?

It is factual that millions of people strive to cure their urinary tract infection using home remedies of the time. They prefer to pursue home remedies just because of the strong support extended by the physicians for such treatments. They are of the view that home remedies can help curing urinary infection fast. The experts also trust that the home remedies for bladder infections are more effective than antibiotics. In spite of these, pharmaceutical companies recommend antibiotics. Pathetically, 20% of people depending on antibiotics have chance to redevelop the infection in future.

No doubt, antibiotics are convenient to swallow in the form of a pill or two. The pills work and eradicate the bacterial infection in the urinary tract. The things would be on the right track if you had only ‘bad’ bacteria causing urinary tract infection. Unfortunately, the antibiotics you take do kill ‘good’ bacteria also. Sometimes, this leads to deteriorating the ailment and there is chance for rejuvenating the infection again.

If you concentrate on natural remedy, the things go different exactly working for better ends. Natural remedies help wind up the immune system to kill the bacteria without side effects detrimental to health. There is little chance to smash up the ‘good’ bacteria and your urinary tract is cured without revitalizing the infection.

Secrets of Home Remedy for UTI:

If you would like to cure UTI or crave for preventing upcoming infections, here are some secrets disclosed. The best method is to ward off the E coli, one of the several types of bacteria, from the urinary tract.

1. Flush instead of killing: The best way of treatment is not killing the bacteria but flushing the bacterial infection because homicidal treatment of the bacteria can only help developing a resistance to antibiotics. A natural remedy using edible cranberries can be best fitting to wash out the bacteria rather than slaughtering.

2. Enzymes and Potassium: Consuming apple cider vinegar is the best way to assault 'harmful' bacteria. Many people have deficiency for enzymes and potassium. These two can be compensated by consuming a mixture of 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 6 ounces of warm water. It is a natural antibiotic which can help flush the infection.

3. Consuming Fiber foods: Eating foods high in fiber can flush the infectious bacteria. High fiber foods along with water naturally flush the body containing disposable impurities as well as bacteria. Drinking plenty of water with high dietary fiber amounting 3 to 4 grams per serving can help flushing bacteria infection naturally.

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